Friday, June 24, 2011

The July Whole 30 Challenge!

In the realm of brilliant ideas, today Jules of Queen of the Stone Age proposed a July Whole 30 challenge, and I impulsively said, "YEA!"

I'd been looking for an excuse to cut away some excess - but especially sugars and natural sweeteners (like honey), having celebrated two family birthdays this month. So, two web-friendly ways to follow the July Whole 30 challengers:

A lot of the Whole 30 challenge I've already had lots of practice in tackling; for example, I very rarely eat grains. The big challenge for me will be foregoing my beloved pastured butter and coffee with heavy cream since dairy is out - but then again I've been thinking about doing a trial dairy exclusion for a while. I'm the only one in my family doing this for July; my husband and girls will soldier on with their usual lineups and packed lunches.

In lieu of butter, I'll be cooking with leftover bacon fat, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and other high-heat-stable fats.

Another challenge for me will be going a whole month without weighing myself - as the Whole 30 Challenge guidelines suggest. I'll do initial weigh-in and measurements on July 1, and a final weigh-in and measurements on July 31.

So are you in? Are you going to try doing the Whole 30 Challenge in the month of July? Join us on Twitter (with hashtag #JulyWhole30) and at the Facebook group and say "Hi!" Hope to hear from you soon!



  1. I am planning on doing Bacon 30 July 10-August (I did W30 in April and it was just painful without bacon). July 9th is my daughter's bday, and I want to enjoy it.

  2. YAY! I started a thread on a low carb forum for a July Whole 30 challenge. I'll let them know about your blog, if they don't know already!

  3. yay. I'm starting July 1st and I was surfing around looking for other people who are too. I've mostly been following GAPS but I'm going to go ahead and try the Whole30.

  4. I'm doing a Whole30 in July also. Whole9 is running another Whole30 challenge too. I did one in January and thought it would be good do do another one mid-year. I haven't been eating grains, but sugar (ice cream mainly) has been creeping in more frequently. I do also have dairy and I can eat too much of it if I let myself and it ends up replacing other more nutritious foods. So removing dairy for a month will be good for me too. I will miss my lattes and cheese though!


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