
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lunchbox #100

Lunchbox 100?! I'm still stunned that I've blogged this many primal / paleo packed lunches.

Today, my husband's lunch featured (left to right):
  • Salad: with romaine, strips of steak, pieces of pickle and carrot

  • Pre-mostly-baked potato (I think this was a couple of small red ones, actually), cut up, topped with shredded cheese, with a bowl of salsa on the side to add later after the potato's microwaved (because who wants to eat warm salsa on their baked potato?)


  1. Kudos to you! Your lunch boxes are really inspiring!

  2. That growling sound you hear is my stomach.

  3. I found your site via Life as a Plate. Currently I'm transitioning to a Paleo/Primal diet. I have thoroughly enjoyed your site and appreciate the About Primal page. Have a great weekend.


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