
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Star Fruit Magic Wands

This is a fun little project I dreamed up for my daughter's upcoming 6th birthday party. It is fast, pretty, and best of all, kids love the magic wand effect. What can I say? Kids love edible things that look like non-edible things.

Here's the scoop.

Star Fruit Magic Wands
Makes 6-8 magic wands

2 large star fruits

6-8 6" bamboo skewers, ideally the kind with one pointy end and one blunt end

Wash the star fruits, then slice into 3/4" thick slices. (You will have a couple of end pieces that don't work as snack away on those!)

Insert the pointy end of the skewer into the bottom part of the star on the star fruit slice, about 1" deep.

Serve immediately, or for a colder popsicle-style treat, let the star fruit magic wands chill in the freezer for 20 minutes.

For a serving suggestion, consider a stout vase or two filled with glass pebbles or marbles, to hold the wands in place so that the magic wand star design really stands out!


What simple kids' birthday party ideas have you been trying out lately?

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