
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lunchbox #78

Today, my preschooler's lunch featured (clockwise):

  • Leftover spaghetti squash and spaghetti sauce (Victoria) with Trader Joe's grassfed ground beef
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Mashed sweet potato with raisins to top



  1. I have been using your lunchboxes as inspiration for my pre-schoolers. Currently, he's given a hot, nutritious lunch at his daycare, but I'm putting him in daycamp this summer and then off to Kindergarten in the Fall where I will be packing his lunch for both.

    Are your daughter's lunches heated up? Are they put in a refrigerator? Or, is everything ok at room temp until lunch time?

  2. My daughter's lunches are not heated up - and as such I feel comfortable using a plastic lunchbox. The Laptop Lunches system comes with an insulated zip case that holds the compartments, so during the 3 hours or so between when I remove the lunchbox from our fridge and when she opens it at preschool, the lunch stays fairly cool.

    When I'm packing lunches - as for my husband - that will be heated in a microwave, I use Pyrex glass dishware with lids, because I try to avoid heating plastics.


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