
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Naming the Kettlebell

I did my third kettlebell workout this morning. In addition to the 6 minute tabata-style basic double-handed swings, I did some bicep curls, and some rows on each arm.

I'm starting to grow fond of my bell. I've the inclination to do with the bell what I do with inanimate objects that routinely improve my quality of life: give it (him/her?) a name. For example, my college vehicle, a Ford Focus, was Jerry. My beloved Canon SLR is Miriam. My 1970s-era workhorse crockpot is named Betsy, and my crockpot gifted to me only last year is named Suze.

I'm thinking "Veronica". :)

G7 Stories - Veronica Garza from G7 Athletics on Vimeo.

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